January 2, 2009

Talking About Inspiration!

Photo by eye2eye

  • in∙spi∙ra∙tion (in’spə rā’shən) any stimulus to creative thought or action. An inspired idea, action, etc. –Webster’s New World Dictionary
Sometimes all it takes is a simple sentence to change an attitude, brighten a day and encourage creative thinking. Read these thoughtful quotes for your inspiration.

“Nothing happens unless first a dream.” –Carl Sandburg

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” –Jack London

“It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing that matters.” –Mother Theresa

Photo by diskychick

“Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration.” –Charles Dickens

“I am going to make everything around me beautiful. That will be my life.” –Elsie de Wolfe

“Nothing is in good taste unless it suits the way you live. What's practical is beautiful...and suitability always overrules fashion.” –Billy Baldwin

Photo by bosslyn

"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her." –George Washington

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” –Albert Einstein

“The attributes of a great lady may still be found in the rule of the four S’s: sincerity, simplicity, sympathy and serenity.” –Emily Post

What have you read lately that made you feel better or encouraged you to try something? Do you have a favorite quote that inspires you?

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